Wednesday, September 5, 2018


I was reading the other day a comment in which someone said,

“never expect anything from anyone because they will only let you down."

It made me think that is a very sad comment and it is probably true more often than we wish. It made me think of how many times did it take for that person to say “NEVER”!  How have they been disappointed?  Do we believe that God is 100% faithful or have we been disappointed enough times that we would want to say, “Never expect anything from God?” – Or at least, “Don’t expect too much.” The Bible tells us over and again that God is faithful, Psalm 100:5 says, “…For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.” In thinking about God’s faithfulness is that He is faithful to His name, His character and His Word. His name reveals who God is and that’s love to us. Knowing that God is true to His name, His character and when His Word is applied, we find comfort in knowing that we can trust His purposes, His promises and His care for each of Us!  Todd

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